Friday, August 10, 2012

Wildfire Prevention Tips

Prior to the monsoons, this year was one of the worst on record for wildfires in Colorado.  While wildfire is by nature unpredictable, there are some steps that can be taken to protect yourself and your home against the devastation that it can cause.  With that in mind, we are passing along a wildfire checklist received from a local insurance agent with tips on protecting your home.

0-30 Foot Zone
·         Clear tree debris from your decks, roofs, and gutters
·         Enclose the eaves on your roof
·         Remove any materials stored around your structures
·         Trim all branches away from your home to keep your roof and gutters free of debris
·         Install a spark arrestor with openings less than 1/8" on all wood burning stove vents
·         Move your 500 gallon or less propane tank 10 feet or more away from structures (and direct it away from structures)
·         Install a Class A fire resistant roofing product to reduce the risk presented by your combustible roof
·         Use lattice or wire mesh beneath your deck to prevent accumulation of debris and heat trapping
·         Remove any ground litter and dead vegetation from around your home
·         Remove shrubs next to your home and isolate them from surrounding trees
50-100 Foot Zone
·         Stack your woodpiles at least 30 feet from your home and structures, uphill, and away from trees
·         Maintain grass and weeds at a height no taller than 4 inches
·         Trim tree limbs up 6 feet around your home and structures and allow 10 feet separation between larger trees
·         Place light reflective address numbers on the road to aid in emergency responses
·         Clear any vegetation with 15 feet of overhead clearance from around the road leading to your home

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post. Thanks for sharing useful tips for wildfire roofing. roofing contractors Colorado springs, provides all quality roofing service.