Friday, October 18, 2013

Our Featured Property - October, 2013

Our team is continuously brainstorming new ways to provide the best possible service to our Buyers and Sellers in the Durango area.  We appreciate your business and strive to do all we can for you. 
This fall season we are rolling out a new program that will feature one listing each month on our blog. 
Our first feature property for October was voted as a Wells Group Exceptional Opportunity.  This award is given to the property considered to be the “best buy” in the market, a combination of appeal and of  being priced aggressively.  To be considered for this award, the property must be nominated by a Wells Group broker, and it can not be one of that broker’s listings.  There can be multiple nominations, but only one property can be voted as the Exceptional Opportunity, and at least 2/3’s of the group must vote in favor. 
This property is a great match for the Wells Group Exceptional Opportunity, and for our selection as the first feature property on our blog.  It is beautifully constructed with exceptional architectural details and big views at an unbelievable price. 
If you or someone you know might be interested in looking at this property, please give us a call.

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