Monday, November 25, 2013

Wishing You A Very Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you are truly enjoying this time of year. If you are like us, you find yourself reminiscing at this time of year about holidays past. Our homes, like yours, are full of memories, not just personal possessions.

We hope you have plans to make more special memories with Thanksgiving just around the corner. No matter what the future holds, there is no time like the present to count our blessings.

We came across this fun little quiz in an email. Use it during Thanksgiving dinner to test the knowledge of your friends and family. It’s a great way to get everyone talking, and to add to the fun and excitement of this special day.

1) What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving feast?
    1619     1620     1621     1935
2) The first department store to hold a Thanksgiving parade was?
     Montgomery Wards     J C Penney’s     Gimbel’s     Macy’s
3) What president didn’t like the idea of having a national Thanksgiving Day?
    Washington     Nixon     Truman     Jefferson
4) Who is credited with leading the crusade to establish Thanksgiving Day?
     Sarah Jessica Parker     Sarah Lee     Sarah Hale     Sarah Ferguson
5) Which president was the first to establish the date of Thanksgiving as a national 

     holiday to be held on the 4th Thursday in November?
     Jefferson     Adams     Lincoln     F. D. Roosevelt
6) In what year did the first Macy’s Thanksgiving parade take place?
     1864     1894     1924     1904
7) Every year a turkey is pardoned. Which president is believed to be the first to pardon 

    a turkey and start this annual tradition?
    Andrew Jackson     Harry Truman     Millard Fillmore
8) When was Thanksgiving finally sanctioned as a legal holiday?

1) 1621
2) Gimbel’s in 1920 in Philadelphia
3) President Thomas Jefferson
4) Sarah Hale
5) Franklin D. Roosevelt
6) 1924
7) President Harry Truman
8) In 1941, Thanksgiving was sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday.

Please don't ever hesitate to call us with your questions and concerns. Have a wonderful holiday!

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