Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Finding Harmony: Ceilings

Every home is as unique as the people who dwell in it, but have you ever wondered how the two of you could be a better match? One of the most effective ways to incorporate the design principle of harmony is to fuse your home’s architecture with your personal décor. Let’s take a look up: Ceilings. They not only serve as a structural mainstay, but they also create permanent line drawings within the home. These are just a few suggestions for finding harmony between your home’s aesthetic and architecture.

Exposed beams are like bold patterns that beg for attention. Stain them. Show them off. Choose furniture fabrics in like pattern to create an awing effect of mirrored floor and ceiling space.

Roof lines make a room dynamic; to maximize this effect, match ceiling shape by hanging art in direction of line. Play with a symmetrical grid or an amorphous shape to highlight the architectural line of the room.

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