Friday, September 13, 2013

Location, Location, Location

There is a saying in Real Estate that has perhaps become a bit cliché.  You've all heard it.  "Location, location, location."  However, while the saying may be cliché - it does reflect a degree of truth.  The location of a home does indeed make a difference.  Just as important as the physical location of the property, is the location of the marketing that supports the sale.  In addition to our print advertising presence in the Durango Herald, we have crafted a web presence that puts your property in the best location possible for potential buyers to see it.  We consistently rank in the top 3 on Google when searching for "Durango, Colorado Real Estate", "Durango Colorado Property", and "Durango, Colorado Homes".  As more and more buyers begin their real estate search on-line, we have secured the best "location, location, location" for your property to be seen by buyers around the world - local, national, and international.  Visit us at and see for yourself.

Sometimes, though, real estate takes a back seat to our reflections upon bigger issues.  Wednesday of this week marked the 12th anniversary of the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.  We would like to dedicate our communication this week to the men, women and children who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and to the heroes that responded to that emergency with Sacrifice, Service, Patriotism and Courage.  In that vein, please take a moment to look at the Everyday Heroes Blog posted by Joe Badal.  If you click on the link below about the 9/11 Boat Lift, we feel you will be inspired, as we were, by this wonderful, touching story about unsung American heroes who went to the aid of hundreds of thousands of people stranded on Manhattan Island on the day of the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Our best to you for the upcoming weekend, and as always, never hesitate to contact any of us with your questions or concerns.

Don Ricedorff, Broker Associate, GRI, CRS, CCIM, ABR, RSPS, CDPE
Direct:  970-375-7014
Fax:  970-259-5007

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