Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Durango Parks Serve Durango!

Durango is well known for its unique scenery. However, in order to enjoy the scenery, one department is largely responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and direction: the Durango Parks and Recreation Department.
The Durango Parks and recreation department is a Gold Medal Award Winner for excellence in Parks and Recreation. From the beautiful parks in town to the large expanses of open space, from the Durango Recreation Center to the multiple classes and activities offered for all ages, our town excels with activities to pursue.
The Durango Parks and Rec department offers kids’ activities such as swim lessons, kayaking, art, theater, gametime, gymnastics, and the lists goes on. Adults may play tennis, basketball, pickleball, and football. There are also dog training classes, babysitter training classes, and yoga, and more. They provide activities for all ages, skill levels, and demographics. Little known to some, they even cater to the senior population, and seniors oftentimes receive free passes to the Rec Center.
The Rec Center offers fitness equipment of all types, as well as fitness classes and an indoor gym. The Animas River Trail offers miles of paved trail along the river for runners, walkers, and bicyclists to enjoy.
The policy is to obtain a 90% cost recovery for the total recreation services, which they accomplished in 2013. Two taxes have contributed to the extensive opportunities available in Durango. In 1999, the citizens voted on a half-cent sales tax for the recreation center and development of the Animas River Trail. It is now reauthorized to continue to maintain and fund various aspects of the community. In 2005, Durango citizens voted for a quarter percent tax increase to maintain open spaces and trails in the Durango area.
The Durango Parks and Recreation department has done a phenomenal job with the upkeep of Durango’s parks and activities. According to Kelli Jaycox, the Recreation Manager, Durango’s Parks and Recreation operates more like a larger city, and offers more to its citizens than many towns of comparable size. What an incredible asset in our small town! We are so grateful for all of the work and dedication that go into the constant maintenance and improvement of Durango.

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