Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School

School is back in session and more than likely it’s time to dust off the ol’ bill pay and make room for pencils, notebooks, and the constant stream of homework piles. Use my helpful tips to reign in those piles to maintain aesthetic peacefulness and productivity in your home.
--Define your workspace: Make ample room to work; fill cups, baskets, and trays with all your supplies to keep this area clear. Designate these spaces as a “home base” for each individual supply rather than catchall buckets.

--Paper piles: Collate, clip, and clear…get the jagged edges out of sight by using file folders and vertical trays. Anything you can use to work upward creates more horizontal workspace. Shelves and bulletin boards prove to be not only utilitarian but visually interesting as well.

--Storage: Nothing is simpler than a large under counter drawer for those unsightly items you want to hide in a hurry. Consider getting a unit on casters for each kid in effort to designate storage space but easily move for using a shared workspace.

1 comment:

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