Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Local Athlete Sets Example in Sports and Life

Recently, local Durango hero athlete Ned Overend won the National Fat Bike Championship in Wisconsin. While this is a newer sport, we are once again impressed with Ned and the reflection he is as a citizen of Durango.
Continually, Ned leads by example in his lifestyle and character. He is a personal example of how to strive to be our personal best in our areas of interest.
In this newer sport, cyclists ride on snow—a feat that would have been difficult prior to the use of these bikes. As the Durango Herald article notes, several considerations must be made when preparing for these races. The clothing and tire pressure choices matter greatly in the varying terrain and levels of exertion needed.
What we find exemplary is that Ned is 58, and not only embracing a new sport, but winning, as well. He does not let age or other excuses stop him from taking on a new challenge. As he notes in the Durango Herald article, “I train hard. I train year-round, and my body still responds to that with improved fitness.”
This example—that hard work and dedication pay off—applies to many areas in life. Whether a person focuses on business, relationships, or sports, we love this mentality. We should all strive to integrate this approach in our endeavors. This is an excellent reminder that success follows hard work.
Thanks, Ned for the reminder and inspiration, and the example you set as a person, athlete, and resident of Durango.
Check out the Durango Herald Article:

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