Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ordinary Sights in a Different Light

At some point or another, most of us locals have taken a chance to ride the train to Silverton, but one of the most unique holiday features in Durango is one that is probably new to most of us—the Polar Express. Max Hutcheson of The Durango Team recently took his family on the Polar Express, and what a great event for families! (Max’s kids are three and one year old twins). Based off the popular movie, the tone of the adventure is set by wearing pajamas and riding the train to the North Pole.
When the train first gets to the North Pole (located in the Animas Valley), Santa waives amidst the lights. After that, he comes through the train and gives out a bell to the passengers. The trip includes hot chocolate, then kids go back to the train museum to sit on Santa’s lap. For kids who love the excitement of visiting with Santa, the Polar Express brings the adventure alive. The awe of seeing the “North Pole” through a child’s eyes is priceless.
The Polar Express experience is a great reminder that our town has a real coal-fired train. It is a way to experience this historic treasure in a new context. It is also a festive opportunity to celebrate the holiday season and see ordinary sights in a different light. Of course most parents love to see the world through the eyes of a child. The Polar Express certainly provides that occasion!

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